
On writing “One Eyed Jack Pt. III (Epilogue)”

”One Eyed Jack Pt. III (Epilogue) was an opportunity for me to expand upon the One Eyed Jack mythos. Although I didn’t realize it as I was writing it (well, not really writing it physically. I don’t really do that much anymore and most all the lyrics I just come up with off the top of my head as I play the guitar), I had the lyrics:

And in the court the cat it kneaded

The jester’s arm and left it bleeding

Of reaching hands that aim to strangle

And climbing ivy that meant to tangle

The thickest walls and strongest bricks

Came tumbling down all in a blip

and then I realized that the bricks I was talking about must be the bricks One Eyed Jack was stacking when he hurt his back.” -Gus

Listen to the One Eyed Jack trilogy here.