
New video release for ”Sunset Strip”

We are pleased to release a new video for the song Sunset Strip off Gus’ latest album Dungeon Master! Here are a few words from Gus about the video making process: ”When we made the video, Montreal was locked down and we couldn’t find any spaces to rent so we ended up covering our apartment with trash bags and used whatever we had at hand for props such as our Honda Civic’s spare tires.”

Watch the video here!

Summer update!

Here’s a little update from Gus and what he has been up to this summer so far. Stay tuned for more exciting news coming soon!

”I’ve been in Québec city most of the summer, mostly just hanging around trying to write new songs. Here’s a photo of me working on a demo that we took yesterday. Hope everyone’s having a great summer.” -Gus

Euro Tour Announcement!

Catch Gus in the UK, France and Germany this week.

05.12 – Brighton, UK @ Patterns Downstairs – 1:15pm*
05.12 – Brighton, UK @ Brighton Youth Centre – 6:30pm*
05.14 – Brighton, UK @ Hope & Ruin – 4:30pm*
05.14 – Brighton, UK @ Latest Music Bar – 8:15pm*
05.16 – Paris, France @ Supersonic
05.18 – Berlin, Germany @ Bikini Studio RadioEins

*The Great Escape Festival

Dungeon Master is out!

Gus Englehorn’s new album Dungeon Master is out via Secret City Records! Stream/purchase here.

”On this one I take on the role of narrator as I lead you through the twists and turns and ups and downs of my own psyche. Other inspirations include Alfred Hitchcock, my little brother Max and Wildwood’s New Jersey’s Boardwalk. I let my subconscious do a lot of the driving so some of these songs are mystery even to me. They aren’t meant to be taken seriously exactly, although most of them do discuss themes near and dear to my heart.” -Gus

Heads Up Collectors!

High-bias cassette tapes with various hand painted covers by artist and drummer Estée Preda are now available on Bandcamp. Artwork signed, dated and numbered. Each cassette is also signed by Gus. Only 20 unique copies available in the world! Get a copy here.

New song and video ”Run Rabbit Run”!

Here’s Run Rabbit Run, the final single before the release of the album. Dungeon Master comes out on Friday April 29th! Pre-save/pre-order the album here: https://found.ee/Gus-DungeonMaster

”This one is another story I dreamt up about someone who gets arrested on one of those boardwalks on the East coast, like New Jersey’s Wildwoods. Down at the police station, the man is beaten by the cops and begins to dream he is the police dog chasing a rabbit in the countryside.” – Gus